Sewerage priorities

The SPGE has to take the European directives into account to class the sewerage files it receives, particularly with the European litigations due to lack of respect of the directive 271/91 and the non-compliance of collection of some agglomerations of 2,000 population equivalent (PE) or more.

In March 2013, the administrative Board of the SPGE approved an update of the sewerage priorities.

The priorities for laying new sewers are as follows:

Priority 1

Agglomerations present in the litigation for the collection, whose rate of collection is < 98%.

Priority 2

2.1. Captive areas (peripheral) of agglomerations present in priority «1»
2.2. Agglomerations > 2,000 PE not present in the litigations and whose rate of collection is < 98%.
2.3. Agglomerations in priority areas for environmental reasons and whose rate of collection is < 98%.
2.4 Agglomerations located in bodies of water whose objective of achievement of good condition is set for 2015 and whose rate of collection is < 98%.

Priority 3

3.1. Other captive areas of agglomerations > 2.000 PE whose rate of collection is < 98%.
3.2. Agglomerations located in bodies of water whose objective of achievement of good condition is set for 2021 and whose rate of collection is < 98%.

Priority 4

Balance of any area present in community sanitation.

Sewerage priority is adapted to the following elements:

1. Opportunity of sewerage: in case of sewerage works not joint to other works with a view to the coordination with other applicants or the road manager (joint subsidised works), the   sewerage priority is reduced by one notch.

2. State of treatment: when the treatment (plant and main sewer) is not included in an investment programme, the sewerage priority is reduced by one notch.

Moreover, implementing measures of these priorities have been defined:

1. The SPGE focuses on the setting up of priority ‘1' or ‘2' sewerage.

2. A file of lesser priority can be added if it meets local, duly justified requirements, such as a court decision.

3.Except in case of force majeure, a file of lesser priority can only be accepted if the objectives of higher priority are met in the municipality.

4. Sewerage priorities do not apply in case of reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing sewers, as long as the water treatment plant exists and the planned works are made jointly with other works, be they subsidised or not.

Priorities ‘1' and ‘2':

Synthesis of the lengths of new sewers to be laid by OAAs: (detail by municipality: click on "Wallonie")


Km sewer priority 1&2
Rate of collection 98%















Wallonie (.pdf - 33Kb)


The details of the km of sewers to be laid by municipality, by agglomeration and by priority level can be obtained at your OAA.
