The main missions of the Société Publique de Gestion de l'Eau (SPGE, Public Water Management Company) are as follows:
1. Household wastewater catchment and treatment, with:
- the development of programming and planning tools prior to any investment;
- the establishment of filtering and catchment investment programmes;
the realization of the sewerage in partnership with the municipalities;
the development and monitoring of a problem linked to certain types of flooding (due to mine subsidence);
the exploitation of the facilities.
2. Protection of hydric resources, among which catchments and bathing water, with:
- the establishment of protection measures and actions;
- the application of communication and awareness programmes;
the establishment of a think tank in order to take the most efficient measures from an environmental and budgetary point of view.
3. Participation in the drawing up of management plans
(as part of the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE).
4. Coordination of the water sector and development of the resources.
5. Full financing of all these missions.
The establishment of a specific financing tool allowed investments for nearly €3 billion during the last decade.